Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Serenity Now!

Who remembers this episode of Seinfeld? 

Frank Costanza is advised to say "serenity now" aloud every time his blood pressure is in danger of going up, but he yells it instead.

We all have our tricks for when we're losing control. But do we recognize it soon enough? 

Why do we wait until we're about to tip over the edge before we try to make ourselves feel better?

Why don't we focus on feeling better every day?

“Today is a most unusual day, because we have never lived it before; we will never live it again; it is the only day we have."

Today can be a healthy unusual day for you -- and for others -- if you take time to give someone a smile . . . to express a word of kindness . . . to lend a helping hand to someone in need . . . to write a note of gratitude . . . to give a word of encouragement to someone who is temporarily overcome with problems . . . to share a portion of your material possessions with others.


Happiness can't be forced like Frank Costanza tried to do, but it can be chosen. It can be sought. 

 Don't wait for tomorrow, don't wait for Friday, don't wait for the weekend or retirement or the kids to be in school or the kids to be out of school. 

Choose happiness today.
Seek happiness today.

Your challenge today, should you choose to accept it is to think of something that makes you happy and do that thing. Eat ice cream, walk outside on your lunch hour, swing on a swing, dangle your feet in a pool, lake, river or pond.

Share your happy thing. I'd love to hear it, and who knows what you may inspire in another.
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Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday Fun day it's easy to lower that stress and find your "Happy Place"

It's Friday, and I'm a day late on my 2nd post of the week. 

Friday is fun day. It's an easy day to let go of stress and find our Happy Place. One of my girlfriends has a party every single Friday night, and no she's not 23. She gets the importance of connecting and unwinding and has established her home as a spot where friends and family know they can escape to at the end of a busy week.
That's me smack in the middle :) 

I share often that a HUGE way to relieve your stress as a woman is to physically get together with other women. There is an actual change in our brain chemistry when we are together that increases our serotonin levels. 

~ There is some evidence to support the theory that this is a result of pheromones, the same phenomenon that causes women's menstrual cycles to synchronize ~ 

However the science behind it works, I think we all know that my signature phrase "6 girlfriends and a bottle of wine" is a sure fire way to forget your troubles, reduce your stress and find your "Happy Place".

While I can't spend my normal full Friday late night at my girlfriends this week as I have a few things to finish getting set up at home for my big Launch Party on Sunday and Monday, I do look forward to popping by, celebrating the birthday of a friend (with a little relax with wax birthday gift) and getting my connection on. 


What are you doing on this Friday Fun day to lower your stress and find your "Happy Place"? I'd love to hear about it!   
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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Friends make ALL the difference

Just got home from PartyLite's National sales conference in St. Louis, MO. What an amazing experience!

It's always great training, it's always inspirational, it's always motivational, it often is a catalyst for a bigger vision for my business for the future (near or far), it's always heart touching, it's always a phenomenal source of joy, fun and entertainment on SO many levels, and seeing and connecting with amazing achievers is always a great source of energy renewal. 

But this year, I had the additional joy of sharing the whole experience with my best girlfriend. The depth it increased the experience is tough to quantify.

I don't know about you, but for me, connections with friends make all the difference.

As we take this journey we call life, I see so many around me disconnecting and losing touch. We get embroiled in our own minutia and don't take time to connect with good friends.

How many times have you heard, or <gasp> said "We have to get together. We've been so busy with ..."
And no matter the season, it's always the reason you're too busy to grant your own heart's wish.
We've been so busy this summer, you know how it is with the kids out of school.
We've been so busy this school year, you know how it is with the kids school activities.
We've been so busy this holiday season, you know how it is with family in from out of town.

and on ... and on ... and on it goes.

It's time to realize you're always going to be busy. New job, old job, kids in school, kids out of school, summer, fall, winter, spring. 

We manage to make time for the things that we decide are important. And we weirdly find time for the most ridiculous things. Can't meet your girlfriend for dinner because Dancing with the Stars is on Thursday nights? That's what DVR's are for!

We ONLY get today. It's the only day there is. There are no guarantees, and there are certainly no do-overs.

Take the effort to find a way to connect with those friends. They really do double our joys and divide our sorrows.

When's the last time YOU had a cup of coffee or a glass of wine with your best girlfriend?

P.S. If it's been a while, and you're looking for an excuse, grab your girlfriend and pop on over for some wine, snacks and retail therapy at the New Product Launch this weekend. Sunday or Monday. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012



When I hear the word "chemistry", the first thing that comes to mind is the class in high school.

The second thing that comes to mind is the "sparks" that do or do not exist between two people as they evaluate their level of attraction.

Today, I'm considering the word chemistry as it relates to our brains and our emotions. Our brain chemistry.

It's mid July and I expect many of you are feeling pretty good these days. Life moves just a little slower in the summer. Kids aren't in school, so you don't have quite so many activities to shuffle. It may even be vacation time. 

For me mid July sends me into happiness overload as I head to my national sales convention. Surrounded by thousands of other women (and a dozen or so men - HAHA) who are enthusiastic and on fire; eager to hear the latest innovations from the top achievers and see the newest products being added to the line.

Underneath all these good feelings is our brain chemistry. Most specifically Serotonin. Serotonin is the neurotransmitter that is responsible for feelings of well-being and enhanced mood. Increasing serotonin levels can also lead to significant reductions in anxiety and stress levels.

There are loads of things that impact our serotonin level. Chocolate is high on the list, as is sunlight, meditation and exercise. Some less known things that
increase serotonin are red wine, the tannins in red wine raise serotonin and spending time with other women. When women gather together, their serotonin
levels increase significantly.

Oxytocin is another feel good hormone often called the “cuddle hormone”. Oxytocin is released when we feel love, trust and comfort. It can be even more
powerful than serotonin. If you need a lift, remember the power of simply spending time with your significant other or family members and friends.

I'm fascinated by the science behind this stuff. It also makes me feel validated. It's good to know that I'm supposed to feel amazing when I hang out with other
amazing inspiring women, for real scientific reasons.

Isn't it good to know we're wired to feel great when we're together?

So the next time you're feeling like you need a little spark or happy, or your stress is getting too high, up that Serotonin level!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Life happens... Then what?

We all have plans. 

Some are laid out well in advance and carefully, thoughtfully executed.
Some we more fall into and are more a matter of a path of least resistance.

But sometimes, LIFE happens. Something changes our plans outside of our timing and our influence. Illness, natural disaster, or very often in today's world, the loss of employment. 

It hurts. We feel betrayed. We feel a sense of failure. We feel anger. 

Most of all, we feel a loss of control.

Even if, in the case of loss of employment, we didn't want to be there in the first place. Even if we were actively looking for other employment. Even if, we were dreaming of finally taking that step to become an entrepreneur.

Because, it wasn't our choice, and it wasn't on our terms.

But what if... that's exactly what we need. What if we need to be a little shaken, a little outside our plan, a little outside the box to become what we're truly meant to become.

"Change is the only absolute in the world, the only thing that you can depend on. Nothing stays the same.Tomorrow will come, bringing with it new beginnings and sometimes unexpected endings. You can hold on to the past and get left in the dust, or you can choose to jump on the ride of life and live a new adventure with perseverance and an open mind."
I've heard it said that we get messages - from "life", God, "the universe" whatever greater or inner source you believe in - and that they start out so quiet, like a whisper. To hear those first messages, you have to be still and quiet and listening. And, let's be honest, how many of us make time or effort to do that? 
So then, in increasing levels in volume and intensity, the message continues. More often than not, it ends up being a banging gong that knocks us off our feet, leaving us with the wind knocked out of our chest laying on the ground saying "OK - I get it - I hear you!"

So what's the point? Well, it's going to happen. To all of us, sooner or later, if it hasn't already and it may happen again. Life is going to happen. There will be unexpected twists and turns that will throw us off our game. That will make us feel lost, sad, confused, out of control. 

Then what?

Like anything else that causes you stress in your life, the same things I share will help get you through it. Perhaps, I humbly suggest, with a bit more intensity.

My very best girlfriend lost her employment last week. She hated the job, she had been actively looking for other employment. She had recently interviewed with a new company. 

She was still devastated. She is still reeling. 
Yesterday, we met for lunch at our favorite winery. While we didn't come up with the answers, or even the next steps, just being together, sharing our thoughts, ideas and feelings, and of course - a couple glasses of wine - I could see a change in her. Just a loosening. Just the slightest drop in tension. Just the first glimpse of relief.
I am blessed that we will be road tripping this weekend and spending 3 days together at a conference where we can bond our brains out :)  

So when life happens to you next, grab your girlfriend, or 4 or 5 of them, and a bottle or 2 of wine, and take care of one another. Listen to one another. Be with one another. It's one of the things we do finest. And, it's one of the things we need the most.

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Lower your stress before you begin

I was honored this week to be asked to speak as a guest on a blog for wedding professionals. The first question on the list I felt deserved its own spot here as well as I think it can apply to all women business owners. 

What better time to reduce your stress level than before you begin your day?

What would you recommend to business owners whom are stressed out with their businesses as a quick way to de-stress in the morning before they tackle the day?

I would definitely suggest a solid morning routine which includes some inspirational self care. 
Add 15-20 minutes to your morning routine.

Optimally, you will have a lovely space in your home that rejuvenates you. This can be your back deck or patio, a corner of your living room or bedroom, or even your bathroom if it is soothing and refreshing. 

Include some soft music, this can be while you enjoy your morning beverage (coffee, tea, smoothie). 

I also recommend lighting a candle, burning incense or a fragrance warmer to add some glow and pleasing fragrance.

If you meditate, this is a perfect time to do that as a start to your day.

Key elements to reduce your stress level, whether you meditate or not:
  1. You've heard this I'm certain, but be grateful for what you have right now. I'm not saying practice gratitude for what you envision having, but truly give thanks for some wonders you have in your life today, in this moment. Today that thing may be the opportunity to run your own business, or a great night's sleep, or a supportive and loving spouse, or really cushy bedroom slippers.
  2. Have a notebook or scrapbook with some work you have done that you are especially proud of, that makes you feel you are doing your best work and look through these. Remember why you are doing this. Remember the purpose that you are meant to share.
  3. Give focus to 3 tasks you intend to complete today to grow or expand your business. See how you will complete them and envision the impact you most desire from their implementation. 
  4. (optional) Read a beautiful or inspiring quote or reading.
  5. (optional) Have a funny/inspirational photo near your mirror to remind you how amazing you are.
  6. (optional) MOVE! Put on a great song and let yourself sing out loud and dance around.
Now go tackle your day! Make it the best day of your life! 

I would love to hear your thoughts on the idea of adding this to your morning. Can you envision this making a difference in your daily stress level? Your general happiness with your business?
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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Letting Go

This time of year, our new product line comes out for the Fall and Holiday, our biggest selling season. Consequently, our annual retirement list is published and I always get a backlash from my customers asking why oh why are we discontinuing their favorite collection or more often their favorite fragrance.

I felt myself slipping into that a bit this year, as some of my current favorites are on the cutting list, but then I recall how much I fall in love with the new fragrances each time they are revealed, and the new collections. If we never let go of the old, there would never be room to embrace the new. 

I think as women, we are more sentimental than men, and we have the tendency to hang on to things. Not just our favorite products, or fragrances, but our favorite stores, parks, ice cream shops. We develop an emotional attachment to things. Even ideas.

As women entrepreneurs, we are always coming up with new ideas and new things to try or new ways to try them. But we still get caught in the trap where we come up with something and then get emotionally attached to it, more than the outcome it was meant to produce.

A really great exercise to shed some stress and guilt this week is to take a look at what you're holding on to that may be holding you back. And allow yourself to let it go to make way for some great new stuff!

I just heard that a dear friend was let go from her place of business today. No notice, no explanation, no indication that anything was amiss. Not surprisingly, she is hurt and shocked. As a friend with another perspective, I was able to look at the situation and pose a thought she never considered that may open up her options and possibilities exponentially.

Sometimes, we have to let go of the mundane to make way for the amazing.

I would love to hear what thing this week you are allowing yourself to let go, if you're really brave, you can share what it's been holding you back from.

P.S. If you're interested in checking out our retiring list, you can do so here.
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Friday, July 6, 2012

Summertime and the living is easy!

Happy Independence day all! 
It is hot all over the country this week, and I know many of us are enjoying outdoor activities. Stay cool and stay safe!
I am so thankful to have had a spectacular holiday with my pilot hubby! He almost never gets holidays off, so we really enjoyed our day even more.

I spent my 4th in the "way back machine" at Summerfest in Milwaukee, WI. We had a BLAST with a great group of friends, saw some good bands we've never heard of, enjoyed fantastic food from Mader's (if you like German food and are in Milwaukee, you must check this place out, Outstanding!) and then saw some old school metal Alice Cooper and Iron Maiden with an all out old school full on stage performance complete with giant size Eddie and crazy antics from Alice Cooper! Luckily for us, it really was "cooler by the lake" and we had some shade and a nice breeze. Also luckily for us, I think the heat kept some of the crowds away because it was not crowded at all until the main stage act.

As a kid, I went to Summerfest every year with my parents. I can't count the number of times I saw the Beach Boys or the Moody Blues! We saw the Nylons before anyone had ever heard of them. Being there brought back great memories and I was so happy to enjoy sharing the day with friends, and some of them had never been before so that was really super too! 

I have to admit, there were times when it was hard to go with the flow of the group and not "tell them how it's done". 

It's a great lesson I thankfully learned from my amazing husband a few years ago. I think it applies in life, and in business. When you look forward to an event, or something big, it's easy to visualize an ideal outcome. You see everything as you want it to be, and you see people doing and saying exactly what you would like them to. 

But life seldom follows our plans, it has plans of its own and it's easy to try to force things to follow the path we had envisioned. Trying to lead conversations, or orchestrate events to play out the way we imagined. 

The crazy thing is that life has a much better imagination then we do, and if we go with it, we usually get a much better result than we had dreamed up in the first place.

This weekend, enjoy your holiday with friends, family and loved ones. And remember, when things aren't going as planned, to go along for the ride, it could turn out to be the memory of a lifetime!

I'd love to hear of a time when things didn't turn out as you planned, but turned out amazing! 
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Monday, July 2, 2012

Finding your joy by finding your joy

As a woman entrepreneur, I've been strolling down the path of learning this past year. Learning about marketing. The learning curve is HUGE and the amount of information available is immense. It's incredibly easy to get overwhelmed and swept up in the maelstrom of dos and don'ts, promises and trials and errors. 

In the direct sales industry, it has become clear to me that the one area of training that we are lacking is marketing. As a business sub category, direct sales has some of the best training out there. Sales training, leadership training, recruiting training, personal development training. But as a small business, and direct sales is a small business, if you don't have marketing, you're not in business.

In this journey I've been on, I've learned loads about niche marketing and finding your message and creating a personal brand. 

I had the joy of spending time this past weekend with my dear friend and direct sales colleague. She is starting on this same journey. We were discussing this personal brand strategy and we hit on a topic that I think bears sharing with all women entrepreneurs, whether you are in the direct sales industry or not. 

When you are developing your personal brand, and we all need to market ourselves, unless you happen to have a singular business. We all do something that other people also do. However, no one will do it quite the way we do, and that is what we need to sell. 

But sometimes it's tough to see ourselves clearly, and even tougher still to pinpoint our unique business strength. 

I think the key is finding your joy. We all started our business because of a sense of passion or purpose, and if that isn't why we started, nearly all of us have developed a passion or purpose along the way. But as with many other aspects of running a business, we become inundated with lists. 
Lists of personal development goals, lists of administrative tasks, lists of ideas we want to try to boost sales or retention. We have lists of lists of lists.

Focus on your joy. There is something, maybe a few things, that you do in your business that totally bring you joy, that turn you on, that make you glow. That is your brand. That is your purpose. That is your gift. 

There are lots of things that you have to do as a business owner. Some of those things can be delegated, and if you can delegate, that is the best.
We've all heard the quote:  "Find something you love to do, and you'll never work a day in your life". For many of us, that is what brought us here, but sometimes we forget along the way. 

To truly find your joy in each and every day, remember and focus on those things in your business that bring you joy. Not only will this boost your marketing, but it is another way to find your happy place day after day.

Share what brings you joy in your business!

With Love and Laughter,