Tuesday, October 25, 2011


We lost our dear friend Darwin last week.

It has been extremely difficult for my husband and myself. It's a shame that it takes these things to remind us about what is really important in life. So much seems insignificant in comparison. We feel we often make the wrong choices and let precious time and opportunities pass us by. We've talked much this week, as he got more and more ill about consciously making the decision to spend time with with our friends and family. To take advantage of the opportunities before us to see them and to create more opportunities where and when we can. 
Life is short. Make the most of every day. You never know if you'll get another.

I wanted to share some words from another blogger today that echoed our own but were more eloquent: 

What Matters Most in Life

by Jane Powell on October 25, 2011
“In the long run, it’s your personal relationships that really matter.”
With today’s busy lifestyles, it’s all too easy to put relationships on the backburner and take them for granted. Even though you may have every intention of spending regular time with your partner, hectic schedules get in the way and you end up running in every direction except toward each other.
Yet, you know that your personal relationships are paramount to personal fulfillment. Be sure to set some time aside each week to rediscover the people that mean most to you. Be alone with that person, talk, enjoy your time together and renew your relationship.
After all, in this life, your loved ones are what really matter.
©Jane Powell – Meditations for Women
Today’s Affirmation: Each week I set aside time to be with my loved ones.
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Friday, October 14, 2011

I'm just plain happy

Happy-Go-LuckyImage via WikipediaSometimes I'm reminded that the rest of the world doesn't seem to think the way I do. I'm just plain happy. I mean really, truly, genuinely happy most of the time. Life is just too short, in my opinion, to be any other way.

I am so lucky, have an amazing husband who is my best friend. We have a house, 2 great dogs. Fantastic families, great friends. I have a 9-5 job for a super company and a business I truly love. My husband has his dream job. We've traveled more this year than I have ever in my life.

On any given day, if you pass me and ask how I'm doing, my reply will be "FABULOUS" and it will be genuine. I find that surprises most people. So many people go through life with an "I'm here" response to that question. Why? When people ask me why I'm so good I say why Not?

Don't get me wrong. I'm no Pollyanna. All of this doesn't mean I never get frustrated or angry or sad or disappointed. I do! I just don't stay there. I know I have loads of room for improvement, personally and professionally. My house isn't the biggest or the nicest or heck, even the cleanest. But when I have friends over, it is the warmest :) I have weight to lose, but instead of focusing on that, I focus on the fact that I completed my first triathlon and 2nd marathon, the Chicago Marathon no less, this year.

I think the thing, more than anything else, that keeps me so happy so much of the time is my ability to find the funny. Even the most frustrating person or situation is funny if you look at it from the right angle.

When the day isn't going your way, laugh a little. See what a difference it makes. And think of just 1 thing each day that makes your life great.

Life is awesome! Enjoy it while you're here!
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Monday, October 3, 2011

What's that smell?

 I was reading today some interesting research on how scent affect work performance. Some companies are actually finding that scent can improve employee performance and job satisfaction.

It has been well established that scent plays a huge part in mood as it is linked to a specific part of the brain associated with memory. Some fragrances stimulate, others relax. Some promote feelings of well-being while others increase aggression.

Sleep deprivation, multi-tasking and too many demands on our time leave us feeling drained of energy and often cranky. The simple addition of scent can give the boost of energy needed to increase performance and stamina for the multi-tasks at hand and improve your mood while performing the many tasks you have in any day. Put this to work for you!

Lavender not only relieves stress but also prevents work performance deterioration.
Jasmine stimulate alertness, helps focus and increases hand-eye coordination.
Lemon scent increases stamina and lifts mood.
Peppermint increases alertness and performance accuracy.
Cinnamon scent increases concentration.
Vanilla reduces the startle-reflex and relieves stress and anxiety.
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