Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Friends make ALL the difference

Just got home from PartyLite's National sales conference in St. Louis, MO. What an amazing experience!

It's always great training, it's always inspirational, it's always motivational, it often is a catalyst for a bigger vision for my business for the future (near or far), it's always heart touching, it's always a phenomenal source of joy, fun and entertainment on SO many levels, and seeing and connecting with amazing achievers is always a great source of energy renewal. 

But this year, I had the additional joy of sharing the whole experience with my best girlfriend. The depth it increased the experience is tough to quantify.

I don't know about you, but for me, connections with friends make all the difference.

As we take this journey we call life, I see so many around me disconnecting and losing touch. We get embroiled in our own minutia and don't take time to connect with good friends.

How many times have you heard, or <gasp> said "We have to get together. We've been so busy with ..."
And no matter the season, it's always the reason you're too busy to grant your own heart's wish.
We've been so busy this summer, you know how it is with the kids out of school.
We've been so busy this school year, you know how it is with the kids school activities.
We've been so busy this holiday season, you know how it is with family in from out of town.

and on ... and on ... and on it goes.

It's time to realize you're always going to be busy. New job, old job, kids in school, kids out of school, summer, fall, winter, spring. 

We manage to make time for the things that we decide are important. And we weirdly find time for the most ridiculous things. Can't meet your girlfriend for dinner because Dancing with the Stars is on Thursday nights? That's what DVR's are for!

We ONLY get today. It's the only day there is. There are no guarantees, and there are certainly no do-overs.

Take the effort to find a way to connect with those friends. They really do double our joys and divide our sorrows.

When's the last time YOU had a cup of coffee or a glass of wine with your best girlfriend?

P.S. If it's been a while, and you're looking for an excuse, grab your girlfriend and pop on over for some wine, snacks and retail therapy at the New Product Launch this weekend. Sunday or Monday. 

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