You make it home at the end of the day, physically worn out and mentally exhausted.
have to figure out what's for dinner, prepare it and clean up
afterward. And you still have an entire day's worth of activities yet to
If you're a mom, there's practice, recitals, games, homework,
and more.
If you're a wife, your husband always needs help preparing
for a trip, meeting, or just getting to the office tomorrow.
Pets need
to be fed, dogs need to be walked, litter boxes, hamster/gerbil/lizard
cages and fish tanks need to be cleaned. And none of this even includes
the daily tasks associated with running your household. These are just
the things you do to take care of everyone around you.
the time you get ready for bed at the end of the day, you realize you
haven't spent one moment thinking about yourself. That exercise routine
you've been meaning to start, that will have to wait another week.
Getting your nails done, or hair trimmed, maybe you can make that
appointment next week.
You probably can't even remember the last time you had a glass of wine or a cup of coffee with your best girlfriend.
So what's the solution? Creating a space where you can relax after work.
especially, need a place in their home that is just for them. Whether
it is a bedroom or bathroom sanctuary, or a quiet corner of a living
room with a comfy chair and a book-stand. Or a beautiful backyard deck, patio, swing or hammock.
Women need to allow themselves
that special place where they can unwind and recharge. It's not a
luxury, it's critical to our well being and the well being of all those
we care for. Though women may keep a household running and everyone
else's spaces clean and functioning, we don't always have a place of our own. If your home is small or there are many living in your
household, the need for your special space is even more crucial.
need that space where we can relax, regroup and recharge so we can face
the next day, or on some days, the rest of today. Our homes are the natural venues
for these special sanctuaries.
need to be able to close our doors (and lock them if we need to) and
breathe a relaxing sigh. Feeling safe and comfortable in our homes or
just one special room can help us cope. A place where you can relax,
meditate, exercise, create, and/or pamper yourself. We all need that place where we
can just relax and allow our bodies, minds, and spirits to flourish.
Your personal sanctuary is:
your "girl cave"
your safe space
your escape
your hideaway
your me place
Key elements to include when designing your personal sanctuary are Fragrance, Lighting, beauty and space.
Did you know that fragrance is the one of our five senses that is most closely linked to memories? Think about what comes to mind when you smell pumpkin pie, or bonfire smoke, or fresh baked bread or cookies
Have you ever noticed that lighting is directly linked to mood? Think about how you feel when it's sunny, cloudy, you're in bright fluorescent light, you're in soft candle light.
Beauty and space create energy. Think about your energy level when you're in a cluttered area of your home like a storage area or a closet or when you're in your favorite room or looking at your favorite landscape.
For me, at this time of year, my mind drifts to a perfect outdoor escape.
The nights are getting cooler, and it's perfect for a bonfire.
The days are pleasant and you can relax on your deck, patio, swing or hammock and read or just get lost in your thoughts.
The final element for your personal sanctuary is boundaries.
If your family isn't great at respecting yours (and most aren't so don't feel bad about this) make a sign or a door hanger. Allow your kids to do the same for a pre-defined amount of time per day or per week so they feel empowered to claim their alone time and will be less likely to intrude on yours.
Let them know that your time will not exceed (fill in the blank with your needed time - 1 hour, 2 hours, half an hour) and that they will get your full attention when that time is up.
If you are feeling like you may burn out, it’s not your fault, but it's been long enough!
You haven’t been shown yet how easy it can be to claim your space.
You haven't been given permission to put you first, even for 2 hours.
You know you should be taking better care of yourself, but you always find yourself taking care of someone else instead.
If you do nothing else, grab my free report and you'll also get my BONUS Report: How to create your personal sanctuary.
If we create a space together, and you decide when it is complete that it doesn't melt your stress, you can return anything or everything for any reason at all (even "I changed my mind") for a full refund for a full year.
Click here to schedule your Wine, Women and Wax night where
- I will help you find a way to schedule self-time; only 2-3 hours, but this alone reduces stress more than you might think.
- I will help you re-connect with your favorite friends and family. Did you know that physically getting together as women
actually creates a chemical reaction in our brains and increases our serotonin levels, which both reduces stress and
increases our level of happiness.
- I will teach you how to create this personal space in your home where you can unplug, unwind and recharge, just by adding
accents, lighting and fragrance. So that when your girlfriends and a bottle of wine aren't handy, you can still take that
stress number down a couple notches.