Few people I know don't hear the voice of Matt LeBlanc as the character Joey Tribbiani from Friends when they see that phrase or hear those words.
And I think it typically brings a smile - at least to most.
I saw Matt LeBlanc on my favorite chat show and he told a story that his daughter antagonizes him by intentionally saying it wrong "How are YOU doing?" He says through clenched teeth "And I KNOW she knows how to say it right!"
When asked this question today, how would you respond? Do you actually share how you are? Do you just reply "good" or "well" automatically?
Equally as important a question. When you ask someone else that question today, do you truly listen to the response?
Do you even ask the question in response after being asked how you are?
I saw Matt LeBlanc on my favorite chat show and he told a story that his daughter antagonizes him by intentionally saying it wrong "How are YOU doing?" He says through clenched teeth "And I KNOW she knows how to say it right!"
When asked this question today, how would you respond? Do you actually share how you are? Do you just reply "good" or "well" automatically?
Equally as important a question. When you ask someone else that question today, do you truly listen to the response?
Do you even ask the question in response after being asked how you are?
My husband went to college with a guy who exemplified this lack of connection. His standard greeting was "Hey, How's it going." and NO MATTER what the person said in response, he'd reply "Cool."
You may expect me to share a tip on how to take your good to great today or something similar, but I have a completely different type of challenge for you.
First, a tidbit.
Nearly every single day, I'm greeted by a stranger who asks me how I'm doing.
You may expect me to share a tip on how to take your good to great today or something similar, but I have a completely different type of challenge for you.
First, a tidbit.
It may be a cashier, a waiter, a doctor's assistant, someone at a networking event, doesn't matter.
Nearly every day, I watch their face change when they hear my response. I see their mood change, and I see a noticeable pause in whatever task they were performing.
I'd say at least 75% of the time their reply is something OTHER than "good" or "OK" in response. My response causes them to change theirs, even if they don't match my level of enthusiasm, which they often comment about.
"Well, I'm darned good, I don't know if I can be fabulous, but I'm having a darned good day!"
Now, I am fairly bubbly, and I greet them with a beaming smile, but I think there are 2 things that cause them to pause and also result in their response being something OTHER than "good" or "well".
- The word I choose is different, a word not often used in current conversation.
- The word I choose is typically superlative (Super! Fabulous! Spectacular! Fantastic!)
Also, about 60% of the time, they genuinely thank me for asking how they are doing, and caring I suppose.
Now, I'm not asking you to do the 2nd thing, especially if it's not genuine, because that is just plain annoying and no one is fooled!
So, here is my challenge to you today. Whatever your mood, even if it's sour - now DON'T be the person that spills their every ache and pain and trouble to anyone who makes the mistake of asking how you are - take the half second pause it will require and think of a unique word or phrase to use.
Some ideas to get you started:
If you're having a horrible day you could say:
- Introspective
- A little dull
- A bit curious
- A little scattered
If you're "just OK" you could say:
- Mysterious
- Pleasant
- Just Chillin'
If you are "good" you could say:
- Crazy
- Amused
- Delightful
- Jolly - especially if it's NOT Christmas
- Excited
If you want to kick it up a notch and be superlative you could say:
- Magnificent
- Outstanding
- On Fire
- Glorious
- Splendid
- High on Life
- A party waiting to happen
Give it a try. It's almost as fun as the smile game! See who you can pause with your reply today! You just might make their day!
Share in the comments today --- so, How YOU doin?
How about ducky, dandy, nifty, peachy, swell, groovy, tops, out of sight, marvelous (a la Zsa Zsa Gábor), smashing...