Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ever Have One of "Those" Days?

Do you ever have one of "those" days?
The kind where you feel kind of like a raw nerve?
The kind where people who are normally beneath your radar suddenly rub you the wrong way?
The kind where you are easily irritated or angered by things that normally wouldn't irritate or anger you?
The kind where you decide you are just "CRABBY" (or perhaps a more colorful word)

Ever have 2 of them in a row?

I've totally been having those this week! Yesterday and today as well.
When the sound of the person next to me breathing makes me feel like I'm on the other end of a high school student's bad heavy breathing call. 
And the chewing sounds like it's being run through an amplifier.
When certain people talk to you and you have to actively resist the urge to whip your head in response and snap "WHAT?!?!"
Thankfully, not only did I recognize it, but I have tools in my life ready for me to grab to do something about it! OK - to be honest, the doing something about it part happened faster today than yesterday. Yesterday, I did just seethe in red vision anger for maybe an hour.

So - I thought to myself "Self, I bet I'm not the only one that has to deal with these types of days" and I thought today would be a great  day to share my tips for taking control of your day.
  1. Notice
    • Be self aware.
    • Be aware of your reactions, both internal and external. 
    • Be aware of your boundaries.  What reactions are acceptable and which are unacceptable, both internal and external.
  2. Take responsibility   
    • Don't fall into the trap of placing the blame on circumstances. ("that" time of the month, sickness, an unpleasant coworker, neighbor or family member)
    • Realize that whatever the outside circumstance, it has NO POWER OVER YOU.
  3. Assess the situation
    • Can you do something to change the situation that is blowing your top?
    • If so, calmly handle the problem, then give yourself a high five.
    • If not, resolve to let it go. If you can't control it, don't let IT control YOU.
  4. Assess the urgency of your mood
    • Do you need to do something NOW to turn your mood around or can it wait until you get home?
  5. Deploy your EMAT (Emergency Mood Altering Tools)
    • If the situation is urgent, the best, fastest tool is MUSIC. Not just any music. Have a go to song.
      Mine is Danzig and Shikira sing Hips Don't Lie. Not only does it make me dance (just can't prevent it) but it also cracks me up. It's loaded on my phone so I always have it with me.
    • If the situation is a slow boiler, deploy the endorphins.
      Exercise, take a class, go for a walk, run, skate, swim or bike ride, put in an exercise video.
      If you can combine the outdoors with the exercise, so much the better!
Even if you're all alone. Or as I often say, when you don't have 6 girlfriends and a bottle of wine handy, you have the power to turn your day around.

P.S. Claim your F.R.E.E. report on why and how to take better care of YOU 
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