As a woman in business, how much time do you dedicate each month to networking? Business mingling? After hours? Progressive luncheons?
How much time are you spending nourishing your existing relationships?
This weekend, we were super excited because Mike was home for 2 of the 3 days of the 3 day weekend and this is unusual for us with his pilot schedule. We planned a dinner out and then to go see a friend's band play at a local bar.

After they were done playing, we hung out until the bar closed and kicked us out and my girlfriend commented how nice it was to get together, and how long it has been since we've seen each other. And Jeff sent me a note the next morning thanking us again for coming out and saying how nice it was to see each other.
Of course, that got me to thinking.... Gosh! It has been a long time!
Why do we let these excuses get in the way?
I need to follow my own advice. and Schedule it!
We used to see Jeff and Donna all the time. Even after the first baby, even after the second baby. Since the third baby, we've just gotten lazy, fallen out of the habit of scheduling time. We've let the excuses get in the way. It's not so tough, even with the kids in activities and my busy schedule with a full time job, training schedule for my fall race and my own business. Really. We pick an evening and I pop over about a half hour before the kids hit the sack, so I get some Auntie Shannon time with the munchkins. Then we pour a glass of wine or two and catch up.
What excuses are you letting get in the way?
Why do we let these excuses get in the way?
I need to follow my own advice. and Schedule it!
We used to see Jeff and Donna all the time. Even after the first baby, even after the second baby. Since the third baby, we've just gotten lazy, fallen out of the habit of scheduling time. We've let the excuses get in the way. It's not so tough, even with the kids in activities and my busy schedule with a full time job, training schedule for my fall race and my own business. Really. We pick an evening and I pop over about a half hour before the kids hit the sack, so I get some Auntie Shannon time with the munchkins. Then we pour a glass of wine or two and catch up.
What excuses are you letting get in the way?
What fabulous people in your life do you miss seeing?
What relationships that you ALREADY have in your life are you not nurturing?
Your Network is your Net Worth.
Your Network is your Net Worth.
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