As a travel enthusiast, I so see the truth in the idea.
As a life enthusiast, I so find the joy in every day, and I think that was the meaning I took from that saying or idea.
As a learning enthusiast, I think I finally get it!
As a woman entrepreneur, like you, I am on a constant path of learning, improving, building new skills. I have a pile of business books, self-help books, motivational books. I get excited about new ideas and am always trying to improve myself and my business.
In my direct sales business, one of the huge points that is repeated over and over and over again in every training and at every conference ad nauseum is this idea of a big WHY.
"When your why is big enough, you'll find the how."
I'll be truthful, in 8 years, I've searched and searched and using all the tools and ideologies presented to me, it's never worked for me. Never.
I'm reading a fabulous book - Networking is Dead - I highly recommend it! I took intense interest in the lesson about confusing the what with the why. "When your why is bigger than your what or your how you become an attractor of possibility."
Finishing up the end of my amazing year working with business coach Christine Gallagher, and preparing for a coaching call this week, I had one of those "big a-has" that we hear so much about.
My why isn't about me. Well, it is in it's what I want to create in the world, but it's not about the vision of the life I want to create for me. That is the result, that's the what. That's not the why.
I friggin' GET IT!
My why isn't so I can retire from corporate America permanently and become a real, full time, honest to goodness entrepreneur - you know - safety net free. My why isn't the business and the schedule and the income that will allow me to spend the time with my husband I want and travel when and where we want.
I want to work with more women entrepreneurs, in BOTH of my businesses. More importantly, the reason I want that is because I want to serve them. I don’t just want to sell product for the sake of the almighty dollar. I want to help women entrepreneurs to find a way to take the kind of care of themselves that they need and that they know they need. I want to make it not only possible, but even easy for them to make that oh so important time to connect with those most important women in their life. I want to influence a team of leaders to make the same kind of impact, each in their own way. I want to create a community, a family of great women.
And I am SO blessed that I see a bigger vision of the IMPACT I can have on women entrepreneurs than I ever saw before.
Because of the journey. WOW am I loving it!
So ladies, stay tuned. I am here to serve you.
Do you want to promote yourself or your business? I will connect you with the BEST networking organization in the US. Over 40 Females combines education and pampering at each uniquely themed event while providing support and encouragement to women on the social and business networking platforms.
Have you considered that proper self-care is actually a business resource and tool that you should be tending right up there with personal and professional improvement? Let's connect. I would love to help you claim that sacred connection time with those women in your life you've been promising to connect with, and create with you a personal sanctuary so you can make that self-care time at the snap of your fingers.
I'd love to hear your thoughts. Click on that commenty box below and share your why or your what or if you just get what I'm saying.
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