I think for most women entrepreneurs, they started their business because they dreamed of a better life.
More financial abundance, more time with their family, vacations, a nicer car and home, more security, more fun, more HAPPINESS.
So, since you took this great leap, how much of that are you experiencing EVERY DAY? Are you taking the time to do those things that bring you joy each day, or each week, or are you busting your hump and promising yourself that that celebration time will come in the future, after you x and y and z?
Work hard, but don't forget to play hard too. Take some time each day to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Don't get so busy living life, that you neglect to Live your Life!
My business was mostly a sideline for many years, sort of a safety net because I did not want to be totally dependent on employers. Then after my layoff I took it full time and have gone back and forth ever since. It's what I want to do versus doing it for the benefits.