As we near the end of January, many people have already abandoned their New Year's Resolutions and are headed back to doing things the way that they did them in 2011. Great intentions have been thwarted again by the inescapable LIFE, happening to all of us again, always.
Like many people I started 2012 with big plans and goals, and though I have experienced some setback, I am prepared to enter February more energized, more committed and more excited about those goals than I was at the end of December or the beginning of January.
As I was reflecting on this today, after receiving another new lead from an unknown referral source, I considered what is making 2012 different for me than 2011 and what is keeping my eyes on the prize. And I think it's momentum.
As you start any endeavor, especially something new, or something you are re-starting from a set back or a stand still, the beginning stages are the most difficult. Whenever I think of this, I remember all the times I had to push my Ford Tempo on the side of the road when I used to own it. Getting it started was always the hardest part. One 5'3" tall girl, behind a whole car, pushing with all her might. At first, nothing happens, shoes not meant for that purpose slide on the pavement, footing lost. Next, small changes happen, at first, almost imperceptible, the car starts to rock. Going with the rocking, soon you find a pendulum effect, and the further the car rocks back the farther it rocks forward. Then, slowly the car starts to creep forward. At first, every muscle in your legs groan with each foot you move forward, then, it happens so gradually that you don't even notice the transition and before you know it, the car is rolling almost effortlessly forward with you walking behind.
This is how momentum is, and I think sometimes, we get so focused on the struggle that we don't see it through to the point where things are rolling along almost effortlessly. For so many people, I think that January is that month of rocking. And when we rock backward, instead of getting into the rhythm and working with the pendulum, we become disillusioned and stay in the backward movement, not knowing that just getting into a rhythm and continuing to move forward would so quickly make all the difference.
I am reminded that when I get into the rhythm with my business, with my exercise routine, with training my dog, with any goals I set out to accomplish in 2012 that the beginning is the hardest part. It seems that no progress is being made at all. Setbacks seem so big, because the forward distance is not yet great enough to show their insignificance.
I don't know what kept me moving forward so far. I took more than a week off of my exercise routine, yet I've still lost a few pounds. I felt stagnated in the progress of training my dog, yet at agility class this week, he overcame 2 major obstacles he's been completely stuck on. And I have not yet mastered the new business habits I mean to put in place this year, yet I am on track to achieve my first goal of the year and the referrals and new business leads keep rolling in.
Some achievements have been so small, but for whatever reason I noticed them. And I'm thankful. Celebrating the small achievements keeps me juiced to keep pushing for the large ones.
What is your momentum doing for you in 2012?
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