I am so touched by Jenny's vision with the dress. I feel so inline with her thoughts on how we deny ourselves the things in life that are impractical. Practical. What a horrible word! What were our mother's thinking when they drilled THAT into our heads?
As women, we are always doing doing doing for others, aren't we? And then when we entertain a thought about doing something for ourselves, we feel guilty and bad and run back and redouble our doing efforts.
What if we entertained our impractical? I'm not saying quit your job and join the circus or take a 3 month leave of absence and go see if you can learn to surf. What if, just sometimes, we did the awesome, fun, silly, funny, outrageous, big, little, impractical thing that sprang into our heads?
What if today's daughters learned THAT from today's moms?
What have you won, conquered, learned, fought, overcome, faced, apologized for, gotten past? It doesn't have to be huge, but I bet, I bet that you have something to celebrate.
What if we just did the thing? Things like flying lessons, and ballet shoes, and breaking into spontaneous song, and building a train set, and crawling onto the roof just to see the stars better. Things like cartwheels and learning how to box and painting encouraging words on your body to remind yourself that you’re worth it...Find a playground swing and remember how it felt to fly.
What would life be like?
I think, it would be WAY better than it is today. Way better!
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