Thursday, May 31, 2012

Find your thing

Do you have a thing? 

You know, a thing that can make you deliriously happy if you just think of it. Or, at least give you a giggle or at the very very least make you smirk.

The weather in Chicago today is grey and rainy and dreary and about 25-35 degrees colder than it has been the past week or so. If you're familiar with Chicago weather, you know the saying "If you don't like it, just wait a minute, it'll change." And Chicagoans, like most folks, tend to let their moods change with the weather. 

But I noticed today, that mine just didn't. I'm just as happy and silly and goofy as I was yesterday when it was a glorious 70 degrees and sunny. Truth be told, I am generally happy and silly and goofy. 

On any given day, how do you respond to the above question? Do you let your moods change with the weather, or the turn of events of the day?

Or have you found your thing?

Years ago, the catch phrase "happy place" was coined. In the Adam Sandler movie, it was the way he would manage his anger.

Life is so short, and none of us know how long we have. We need to make the most of each day. 

Find your thing. 

Find something that can turn your day or your mood around on a dime (in a good direction). Maybe it is thoughts of a past vacation, or a future one. Maybe it's the image of your children, or your spouse, or your future children or spouse. Maybe it's the thought of the guy in the latest Jockey underwear ad. Maybe it's a warm shiny memory of your Mom or Grandma.

My thing? My slightly off color, constantly wacky sense of hearing, I mean humor. I hear the silliest, most ridiculous things in peripheral conversations. I manage to see the funny in most situations. Life is pretty funny, when you look at it the right way. 

Don't let anyone choose your mood but you. When you start to feel sour, remember your thing.

What's your thing? 
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