The end of 2011 is on the horizon. We're nearing the time when we look back on the year and reflect what we've accomplished and what we haven't. We look at the goals we set and mark our progress on achieving them as we get ready to make our plans for the New Year.
This year was my year to be fit. Physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially, and fit in my family and business life. In some areas, I've done well, and in others I still have a long way to go. There are some things I desperately want to accomplish and breakthrough by the end of the year, mostly in my business and in my finances.
Thankfully, I've come to a place in my life where I am making great choices around honoring and supporting my commitment to my family and friends. Given the choice of spending time with friends and family or doing something else, I've been spending time with friends and family.
My husband and I don't have children, we have dogs. Well, we currently have a dog, as we lost our older guy last month. Always high on my list of commitments to myself is spend more quality time with the dogs. The loss of Darwin has spurred me into action and I finally enrolled Apex in an agility class, as I've been meaning to do since we took a few lessons last October. We had our first lesson last night and I now have Thursday evenings blocked off as time with Apex at agility.
It feels SO great to keep that commitment to myself and to my loved one (my dog).
This is the time of year when we think with warmth and fondness of our friend and our family and all our loved ones. We promise once more to spend more time with one another and to make a point of seeing each other.
I invite you to keep your commitment to yourself. Honor your intentions and seize every opportunity to enjoy life with your loved ones.
Life is always shorter than we think.
The floor doesn't have to be waxed today, the drapes don't need to be ironed. Take a look at your to do list and make sure that on that list is an action item to spend some time with those you love. You never know when that last chance will be.
Stay tuned for some FUN ideas for different holiday get togethers!
Brilliantly said, thank you for reminding me what’s important.